If you want to improve your website’s overall search engine ranking, you need a comprehensive SEO checklist that meets all SEO best practices. This 23 Points Checklist for perfect ON-Page SEO checklist will help you optimize your content to send clear signals to search engines and increase your search engine visibility. With good internal search engine optimization, search engines can easily index your web pages, understand your website content, and easily browse the structure and content of your website, thereby ranking your website accordingly. Internal SEO is important because it helps search engines understand your website and its content, and determine whether it matches a search query.

Google Search Console is a useful tool that gives you important insights into your site's performance as well as a plethora of data you can use to improve your site's organic visibility and traffic. Add Sitemaps in your Google Search Console
Your web page URLs should be simple and keyword-rich, with no more than one targeted term at the beginning of the URL if feasible. Short URLs have been proven to outperform long and messy URLs in search results. For example, www.mywebsite.de/amazing-keyword
When it comes to the placement of your desired keyword, your title tag is an extremely signi ficant onpage ranking factor. The keyword has more weight with search engines the closer it is to the beginning of the title. Keep your targeted keyword as close to the beginning of your title tag as possible and keep your title between 50 and 60 characters long to avoid being truncated in search res ults.
For example: Digital Marketing | Company Name
Modifiers such as "2021," "best," "easy," "checklist," "quick," and "review" can help you rank for long-tail variations of your target keyword. For relaunched blog entries, some popular phrases are "the current year," "the best," and "updated." These modifications may also help you boost your click-through rate (CTR). We'll talk about CTR optimization later on in this checklist.
This is the most important on-page characteristic, and it might be the same as the title of your page. Google has stated that you may use as many H1 tags as you want per page. We still advocate using the H1 tag only once per page because it helps Google understand the website's structure. Make sure your H1 includes your desired keyword.
For example:

Keyword Research

For subheadings, use the H2 tag, and be sure to include your target term in at least one of them. Check to see if you can include some latent semantic index (LSI) keywords in your subheadings. Subheadings are useful for breaking up long passages of text and making pages simpler to read. On a single page, you can use numerous H2 tags.
For example:

Keyword Suggestions

What is Keyword Suggestions?

Benefits of Keywords Suggestion

Images, videos, and other multimedia can help your site's bounce rate and time on site, both of which are important elements in user interaction rankings. Images help you to break up your information while also allowing you to incorporate your targeted keywords in the alt tag property of your image. The image file name is an often-overlooked improvement. In the file name, include a brief description of your image as well.
For example: Keyword Research and Keyword Suggestions
This happens a lot when you're writing about a topic, you're interested in. People sometimes start their material with a long-winded introduction and only utilize their keyword for the first time afterwards (especially with blog articles). Maintaining this practice is not a smart idea.
By linking to comparable outbound websites, you're demonstrating to Google that your page and website are a reliable source of information. Associating your website with other high-quality websites can help Google comprehend what your page is about and improve page ranks.
It's a good idea to include two or three internal links in each new piece of content you create. Internal linking has several advantages, one of which is that it aids Google in finding, understanding, and indexing all of your site's pages. Internal links, when handled strategically, can convey page authority to key pages. The usage of keyword-rich anchor text, which is the content that helps users and Google comprehend what the page you're referring to is about, is recommended as an SEO Best Practice.
Make sure all of your blog posts and articles include more than 1,200 words of substance as a general rule. Even service pages, in my opinion, should have more than 800 words. Longer content will help you rank higher for your goal keyword while also allowing you to generate more longtail traffic. Longer content also tends to get more backlinks and rank higher in organic search results.
Your meta description should be original, include the keyword or keyword phrase you're targeting, and be between 150 and 155 characters long. Furthermore, if your meta description has the same keyword that the user is looking for, it will appear bold in search results. Consider it a small ad aimed at enticing people to click on your website from the search results page. This is yet another approach to aid with CTR optimization.
While social signals have no direct impact on search algorithms, they are an excellent way to increase the number of people who see your material. It helps you connect with your target audience and raises brand awareness. As an added benefit, the more people who see and share your content on social media, the more likely you are to get a backlink.
In Search Console, use the "URL Inspection tool." The inspector will check whether your newly published URL can be indexed when you submit it. If it is possible, select "Request Indexing." After that, GoogleBot will come to your website, crawl through its content, and index it. If you've updated or changed your material in any way, this tool will come in handy.
It has been discovered that by using a no-index tag on their pages, users are unwittingly preventing search engines from accessing content on their websites. Although this is more on the technical side, non-indexed pages will never appear in search results because search engine bots cannot crawl them. For example: These would not be indexed by Google.
HTTPS is a secure protocol for sending data from a server to a web browser. In 2014, Google revealed that HTTPs would be used as a ranking indication. Since then, numerous studies have established a substantial link between higher ranks and HTTPS-enabled websites.
Higher dwell periods, also known as time on page, are a strong indicator to search engines that the information on your website matches the search intent of your visitors. Higher rankings for that search query are associated with this. Write long, intriguing material, use photos, and videos to keep visitors on your page for longer.
In 2010, Google openly acknowledged that a website's speed is an official ranking criterion. Google has declared (in 2018) that they would start using mobile page speed results and will switch to mobile-first indexing. This means that instead of using the desktop version of your content for indexing and ranking, Google will primarily utilize the mobile version. As a result, it's critical that your website load rapidly. Fortunately, Google has offered a useful tool to help you determine your mobile page speed and, if necessary, strategies to optimize it.
According to statistics compiled by Ahrefs, Google appears to be dropping web pages from search results if they have broken links referring to other sources. Regularly monitor your website for broken links and either remove the link or replace it with a link to new information.
As mentioned in stages three and thirteen, optimizing for CTR has become critical. According to a study by WordStream, if you beat the predicted CTR of your position in the search results, you're "much more likely to rank in more prominent locations," whereas if you don't match the projected CTR, you'll start to appear in lower positions. Improving your page title by adding modifiers, as discussed in step three, and employing keyword-rich meta descriptions to help searchers understand what your page is about in search results, as discussed in step thirteen, are two major elements that can help drive greater CTR.
Where you add schema markup to your web pages (when suitable), you'll be able to appear in Rich Snippets. Structured markup has been shown to enhance CTR by up to 30%, according to research.
It's critical to locate and correct crawl issues. A crawl error indicates that Google is unable to see or read the content of your page. If Google is unable to view your page, it is possible that it will not be indexed or ranked in search results. Fortunately, utilizing the Google Search Console, you can quickly spot crawl issues. After logging in, go to the lefthand menu and select "coverage." There, you'll be able to see all of the URLs that have issues and correct them.
The Open Graph protocol governs what and how content appears in social media feeds such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Using proper open graph tags will improve the appearance of your material, helping it to gain more hits, likes, and shares. While social media has little direct impact on search results, the more eyeballs on your material, the better your chances of obtaining backlinks, which are extremely beneficial.

That’s it, if you have done all these SEO is properly optimize and Now be ready for results. We as a Digital Marketing Company will look into all small details of your SEO and WE RANK YOU HIGHER!!!

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